Oracle Data Analyst Online Training
Oracle Data Analyst Online Training
Oracle Data Analyst Online Training Course Content :
Introduction to the Oracle database
- Database Architecture
- Relational model database
- Users diagrams sessions
- Tools
Introduction to the SELECT statement
- Screening and selection (WHERE clause)
- sorting
- Data types, operators, and service NULL
- Built-in scalar functions
- Actions to date
- National and regional settings in SQL
Regular expressions
The analysis of aggregated data
- grouping Functions
- DISTINCT clause
- The GROUP BY clause and HAVING.
- Summary (clauses ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING)
Retrieving data from multiple tables
- Inner and outer joins (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN)
- ANSI SQL syntax, and other methods connectors (SELF JOIN, NATURAL JOIN)
- Collective operators (UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS)
- Subqueries simple
- Correlated subqueries
- Operators EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
- Other types of subqueries
Inquiries hierarchical and samples
- Construction of the tree (CONNECT BY PRIOR clause and START WITH)
- Data samples (SAMPLE clause)
Analytic Functions
- Generating summaries
- Definition window
- Statistical Functions
- New features in Oracle 11g
Inquiries Pivot (PIVOT, UNPIVOT)
Tables and referential integrity
- Managing tables (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME)
- Referential integrity (constraints)
Data manipulation (DML)
- Operacja na dużych zbiorach (INSERT FIRST, ALL INSERT, MERGE)
Concurrent users work
- Transactions
- Locks
Brief overview of schema objects
- vistas
- sequences
- indexes
Drop your query
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What my Client's Say?
It was a great course over my expectations. I am eager to have another course wıth you as soon as possıble ~ R. Kamand
All in all, it was a very constructive and one in a lifetime experience. I'm so glad that I was part of it.~ T. Engin
It was the best decision I had ever made in my life. Although it was expensive for me, but I don't regret even for one second. ~ Maruti Malla
Thank you for this great course. I learned a lot of things, I met very nice people and I am happy that I had these 6 crazy weeks with you.".~ Najmul Shar A Baig
Very nice and friendly tutor and staff. The course was very fruitful, particularly the input sessions during the first half of it.~ Radha Nandyala
It was such great experience, though it was really intensive, it was worth doing it! Cant thank enough all team effort esp Mohan! .~ Rohan Kumar
The course was really good because it was a practical course.~ M.Radha patel
I liked this experience. Good tutor and nice mates. I will always remember it. ~ Jitu Bavaria