SAS Admin Online Training
SAS Admin Online Training Course Content :
“Reviewing the Platform for SAS Business Analytics”
- Exploring the platform for SAS
- Business Analytics overview
- Exploring the client tier, middle tier, server tier, and data tier
Administering the SAS Environment
- Overview of administration tasks
Determining the State of the SAS Environment
- Checking the state of SAS servers
- Exploring the metadata server and repositories
- Troubleshooting the metadata server
Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers
- Identifying different types of SAS servers
- Monitoring SAS servers and spawners
- Logging SAS servers and spawners
- Troubleshooting SAS servers
Backing Up the SAS Environment
- Backing up metadata with the Backup Wizard
- Exploring OMABAKUP
- Scheduling backups
- Backing up physical files
Administering Client Applications
- Exploring connection profiles
- Using roles to control access to application
- Functionality
- Exploring SAS folders
Administering Users
- Defining regular users and groups
- Defining administrative users
- Giving users access to servers
Administering Data Access
- Registering libraries
- Tables in the metadata
- Updating table metadata
- Pre-assigning libraries
- Troubleshooting data access
Securing Metadata
- Introduction to metadata security
- Exploring metadata permission
- Exploring predefined ACTs
- Securing content in the folder tree
- Securing content outside the folder tree
- Creating additional ACTs
Moving Metadata
- Replicating an entire repository
- Promoting selected content
Updating the SAS Environment
- Applying hot fixes to the SAS environment