WebSphere Application Server Online Training
WebSphere Application Server Online Training
WebSphere Application Server Online Training Course Content:
Application Server Overview
- Need for application servers
- WAS management features
- WAS flavours
- WAS Topologies
- WAS 8.5 new features
Module 1 – Install & Uninstall
- Installation planning
- Product installation in GUI and silent mode
- Profile creation in GUI and silent mode
- Uninstalling product in GUI and silent mode
Module 2 – Logs and Configuration
- Understanding product directory structure
- Various log files written by WAS
- Configuring WAS classloaders
Module 3 – IBM HTTP Server & WAS Plug-in
- Installing IHS and WebSphere Plug-in
- Creating Web server definition
- Plug-in generation and propagation
Module 4 – Vertical Scaled Cluster Creation
- Basic terminology
- Federating nodes into DMGR cell
- Vertical and Horizontal clustering
- Node synchronization
- Assigning weights to cluster members
- Cluster level operations
Module 5 – JDBC
- JDBC providers
- Creating data source & testing connection
- Connection pool settings
Module 6 – JMS
- Why JMS?
- Messaging models
- JMS – administered objects
- WAS JMS – High level picture
- Service Integration Bus
- File store and Data store
- WebSphere MQ messaging
- WebSphere MQ Link
Module 7 – Application Deployment
- Understanding virtual hosts
- Deployment – High level picture
- Application targets
- Deployment using admin console
- Monitored directory deployment
Module 8 – Administrative Scripting
- Using ws_ant
- Introduction to Jython
- How wsadmin works?
- Profile scripts
- The wsadmin.properties file
- Using command assistance
- Property file based configuration management
Module 9 – Job Manager
- Creating Job Manager Profile
- Registering DMGR and base nodes to Job Manager
- Creating and scheduling jobs for execution
Module 10 – SSL Part I
- SSL Concepts
- Configure SSL between IHS and WAS
- The ikeyman tool
Module 11 – SSL Part II
- Inbound SSL
- SSL Configuration object
- Outbound SSL
- Monitoring Certificate Expiry
Module 12 – Health Management
- Health Policy
- Health Action
- Health Controller
- Creating Health Policies
Module 13 – Monitoring and Tuning
- Analyzing Thread Dumps
- Analyzing Heap Dumps
- Dump Agents
- JVM Tuning
- Analyzing GC log messages using GCMV
- Performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI)
Module 14 – High availability
- Understanding session affinity
- Deploying applications in a cluster
- Clustering and JMS
- Clustering and JDBC
- Clustering and EJB requests
- Understand Session replication & persistence
- Dynamic Cluster
Module 15 – Administrative Agent
- Creating administrative agent profile
- Registering & Deregistering application server nodes
- Working with administrative agent console
Module 16 – Security
- Introduction to WAS security
- User, Group and Role
- Authentication and Authorization
- Securing different types of applications
Module 17 – Security Auditing
- Configure security auditing
- Signing audit records
- Encrypting audit records
- Repository Checkpoint
Module 18 – Administration Tools
- EarExpander.sh
- Collector.sh
- Visual Configuration Explorer
- The applyPerfTuningTemplate.py too
Module 19 – CIM
- CIM Overview
- Job Targets
- Using Sudo
- Job Types
- Job Creation Wizard
- Submitting CIM jobs from command line
Module 20 – Liberty Profile
- Liberty Profile Overview
- Liberty Profile Installation
- Setting Liberty Server runtime
- Deploying an Application
- Securing Liberty Server
- Liberty Server Administration