Velocity Info - Online IT Training & Placements
WebSphere Portal Online Training
9 years ago
Middleware Online Training & Placements
WebSphere Portal Online Training
WebSphere Portal Online Training
WebSphere Portal Online Training Course Content:
WebSphere Portal Server Introduction
Portal Features
Key Concepts
Page Layout and Aggregation
WebSphere Portal Products
WebSphere Portal Architecture
Portlet Programming Basics
Portlet Container
Portlets Versus Servlets
Portlet APIs
Portlet States and Modes
Portlet Lifecycle
Portlet Interactions
Request Processing
Core Objects
RAD: Portal Tools
Hardware and Software Requirements
Installing the Portal Tools for RAD
Portal Development Process
Portal Test Environment Configuration
Creating Portal and Portlet Projects
Project Structure
Supported APIs
Adding Portlets
Views and Editors that Support Portlet Development
Adding Portlet Tags
Portlet Deployment Descriptor Editor
Debugging Portlets
Configuring a WebSphere Portal Test Environment
Attaching to WebSphere Portal
Debugging Portlets
Common Mistakes
JSR 168 Portlet API: Part 1
The Portlet Interface
LifeCycle Methods
Core API: GenericPortlet, PortletConfig, PortletContext and PortletSession
Request Processing Objects: PortletRequest, PortletResponse and PortletURL
Portlet Modes and States
Action Processing
JSR 168 Portlet API: Part 2
Portlet Preferences and Preference Validation
User Information and User Attributes
Portlet Caching
Known Limitations
Configuration and Deployment
JSR 168 Portlet Tag Library
Tag Basics
Commonly-used Portlet Tags
Using JSTL in Portlets
JSF Basics (
JSF Architecture
JSF Application Components
Development Steps
UI Component Model
Page Development
HTML UI Components and Faces Client Components
Navigation Model, Navigation Rules and Navigation Cases
Binding, Developing and Declaring Backing Beans
Faces Request Life Cycle
JSF Portlets
JSF Portlet Runtime
Action Processing and Rendering
Development Steps
Creating JSF Portlet Projects and Portlets
Project Structure
Adding and Configuring JSF Portlet Components
Using the Page Data and Client Data Views
Editing Page Code Classes
Accessing the Portlet API from JSF
Value Binding
Custom Validators
Defining Deployment Settings and Page Navigation
JSF Portlet Limitations
Developing Portlets with AJAX
AJAX Overview
The Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX
AJAX Request Types
Configuring Parameters and Specifying Events
Views that Support AJAX
Using AJAX from a Portlet
Handling AJAX Requests
Making an AJAX Request
Struts Overview (
MVC and Struts
Model Components
View Components
Custom Tags
Struts HTML Tags
Struts Bean Tags
Struts Logic Tags
Controller Components: ActionServlet, ActionMapping, ActionForm and Action
Strengths and Weaknesses
Struts Portlets
Struts Portlet Framework
Action Processing and Rendering
Error Processing and Response Objects
URI/URL Construction
Struts Tools
Creating Struts-based Portlets
Designing Struts Portlets using the Web Diagram
Generating Struts Portlet Framework (SPF) Actions
Struts Configuration
Internationalization Support
Approaches to Internationalization
Resource Bundles
Supported Locales
Accessing Resource Bundles
JSLT Internationalization Tags
Displaying Locale-Specific Messages
Formatting Dates and Numbers
Providing Translated Resources and Serving Translated Files
Cooperative Portlets
Cooperative Portlets Framework
Sharing Properties Between Portlets
Property Broker
Specifying Sources and Targets
Describing Properties in WSDL
Publishing Properties for a JSR 168 Portlet
Processing Input Properties
Portlet Wiring Tool
Deployment Settings
Portlet Services
Portlet Services Architecture
CredentialVaultService, ContentAccessService, PropertyBrokerService
Consuming Services
Implementing a Custom Portlet Service
Credential Vault Service
The Purpose of the Credential Vault
Credential Types
Vault Service API
Accessing Credentials
Deployment Settings
Credential Vault Portlet
Credential Issues
Composite Applications
What are Composite Applications?
Why Use Composite Applications?
Design Process
Components and Applications
Building a Template
Creating an Application
Application Roles
Web Services for Remote Portlets Overview
Why Use WSRP?
Remote Portlets
WSRP Producer
WSRP Consumer
Portal Customization
Portal Project Wizard and Portal Project Structure
Portal Designer
Portal Navigation and Hierarchy
Defining Layout
Creating and Editing Themes nd Skins
Editing Styles Within a Theme
Basic Portal Administration
Hardware and Software Requirements
Portal Components
Controlling the Administrative Server
Controlling the WebSphere Portal Server
Page Navigation
Administration Portlets
Portal Page Administration
Deploying Portlets
Defining Unique Names
Managing Themes and Skins
Portlet Best Practices
Portlet Application Principles
Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern
Portlet Do’s and Don’ts
WebSphere Guidelines
JSP guidelines
Data Management
Session Usage
Multiple Markup